One rainy day in July. The air is sweetened with forest flavour, and bus trips become cozier. We arrived in Lednice almost by lunch time, so terraces of restaurants and cafes were filled with vacationers from different countries. Before starting our long walk we decided to have lunch in a hotel restaurant right in the citycentre. Honestly, they have the tastiest honey pie I’ve ever ate!

Well, Lednice is an old Czech city in the South Moravia. And its gorgeous castle is a part of The Lednice-Valtice Cultural area, which is in the list of monuments protected as UNESCO World Heritage. But nevertheless I didn’t expect such plenty of beauty: as if the time machine has transferred us from the modern world to the 19th century. In front of us was the grandiose Lichtensteins’ summer residence, a building in the English gothic style. Here the beauty begins, the castle is surrounded by a delightful garden with small labyrinths, old sculptures and stone fountains. The park is so well-groomed and pure that you can easily understand what work stands behind all this beauty. And also there is a long glass greenhouse that hides different exotic plants under its roof.

Walking around the park and the whole complex took about 4 hours, because it is huge. After exploring the delightful garden we went to the depth of the park. We met some tourist horsed carts, that you take to get to the next remarkable place – Janův hrad(Jan’s castle).

Janův hrad

After a long walk through the forest we decided to visit a local wine bench and taste a couple of Moravian wines. Then a river tram took us to the next place – the Minaret. All this places are relatively close to each other, but the territory of the park is crossed by the river and small ponds, therefore distances seem to be larger. Anyway, I advise you to take care about the most necessary thing – a good company!

Walks on gravel, warm rain, quiet parks, a wine of fine bouquet, history and pleasant inhabitants – that’s what has sticked in a memory about the lovely town Lednice. And it reminds me a little of a small town Gatchina, which is near Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
See you soon!
English text was edited by Valentina T.